About Us.
Impossible stock images.
We’re an indie AI stock library site that sells images created by AI technology.
Our team are building a collection of affordable stock images that are a bit different from what you’ll find on regular stock image sites, together with some more regular stock.
Our team generates everything on this site. We don’t have external contributors or accept submissions (currently).
Our collection is growing steadily and is created by our team of creatives over at Toast, a design agency based in the UK.
Our images are impossible in two ways:
- They are unusual, odd, or impossible
- They could not have been created with AI pre-2023
Our idea & ethos.
If the creation of an image is cost-prohibitive, there’s a good chance that the image will never exist simply because the investment is not there to create the image in the first place.
We have three simple rules that we adhere to:
- We only add images that have been created without referencing a living artist/creative in the AI prompt used to craft the image.
- We don’t use image-based prompts.
- We don’t reference known people or brands in the prompts we use.
We believe that following these simple rules means we’re creating images that wouldn’t exist or would be outside the budget of most people/companies even to consider commissioning in the first place.
Image sizes.
Our images are generated and upscaled to a 2560 pixel along the longest size.
The images are approximately 90cm (35″) on the longest side at 72 dpi.
They can be resized in Photoshop (or any other image edit app or website) to approximately 21.5cm along the longest side at 300 dpi.
If you need a larger image, it is possible to upscale it further using AI tools.
If you are unsure how to do this, we can help you with our upscaling service.